Campus for Future
What do we do?
Campus for Future Dortmund engages in raising awareness about the climate catastrophe at colleges in Dortmund and in the city itself. We organize lectures, discussions and seminars to inform about climate change, its causes and consequences. Two examples for this are the „Klimawoche“ (climate week) and the Public Climate School (PCS). In addition to that we do creative actions like the „Kleidertauschparty“ (a party where you trade clothes), vegan cooking meet-ups or garbagecollection campaigns. We support the Fridays for Future Movement and are a part of Students for Future Germany.
Who are we?
We want to build a platform for college students and employees to connect with other people who engage in climate and environmental protection. At the moment we are around 10 people. We’re happy to welcome every new face and voice!
How can you join?
We meet every Thursday at 6 pm. Our meetings are completely open and everyone can join anytime. You can engage in the group as much as you want to, whether you spend two or 20 hours a week; that’s all your choice. We’re happy to welcome you! Usually, we speak German during our meetings.
At the moment, our meetings are completely digital and we meet up in our Discord room.
Just send us an e-mail (campusforfuture@asta.tu-dortmund.de) or join our Whatsapp-Info-Group (https://chat.whatsapp.com/BOzRqWK3x6OAbdyJSOjVIS).
You can reach us on Twitter or Instagram.
You can find all our Links here: https://linktr.ee/campusforfuture.dortmund