
Disclaimer: The proposed scholarships might not be available for international students. If you have any questions about scholarships, you can contact our social consultant per mail:

The Advancement Scholarship

Did you already complete an apprenticeship and gained working experiences in your field? Then the advancement scholarship could be something for you!
Application characteristics: Students of any age with completed vocation training, at least two years of professional experience and outstanding professional achievements (e.g. a very good final grade).
Intersting for students in e.g. civil engineering, educational science, electrical engineering, etc.

Application: One year before the start of studies until the second semester.
Application deadline: March 18, 2025 – June 9, 2025

Funding: financial, up to €1,072 per month, non-material support through various offers

More information at

Böckler-Education Campaign: Scholarship for First-Year Students

Are you currently working on your Bafög application for your studies? Then this scholarship could be something for you!
Applicant characteristics: Potential Bafög recipients who would like to start studying. Special achievements, special social commitment and individual biography are also taken into account.

Application: At the start of your studies
Application deadline: May 15 to August 01

Funding: financial, up to €1,155 per month, non-material support through various offers

More information at


Applicant characteristics: All students who are continuing their studies for at least two semesters. Achievements, special social commitment and individual biography are taken into account.

Application: Two semesters before the end of the degree
Application deadline: August 15 to September 15

Funding: financial, 300€ per month,

You can find further information at

Housing Allowance

Are you short of money but not entitled to Bafög? Then you may be entitled to housing allowance!

Simply use the housing allowance calculator to check whether you are potentially entitled to anything. This will relieve you financially and allow you to focus on your studies again.

Students are only entitled to housing allowance if they are not eligible for Bafög. So if your application is rejected, you have the chance to receive financial support through housing allowance instead.

You can find more information under the following links:
Housing allowance Dortmund:
Housing allowance for students:
Housing allowance calculator:

Master Scholarships

Master Plus by Claussen-Simon Foundation

Applicant characteristics: Students that want to do a master degree after finishing their bachelor study sucessfully (min. 1.7 or better).

Application: Prior to start of sutdy programm
Application deadline: January 1st to February 2nd and June 2nd to June 29th

Funding: financiall up to 992€, depending on living costs

International students: Certification of German skills on a B1 level is necessary

Scholarship for Students by Heinrich-Böll Foundation

Applicant characteristics: For students with social commitment and good grades. Partents’ income of max. 5,175€ monthly allows for only little financial support.

Application: 6 month prior to start of study program
Application deadline: March 1st (Summersemester) and September 1st (Wintersemester)

Funding: financially, up to 855€ per month, depending on partents’ income

International Students: no restrictions

Basic Funding by Friedrich-Ebert Foundationb (FES)

Applicant characteristics: Students that want to follow up a successful bachelor degree with a master study program and therefore need financial support.

Application: Prior to start of study program
Application deadling: Wintersemester Oktober 31st and Summersemester April 30th

Funding: financially, up to 855€, based on Bafög-Calculations

International students: For international students the Friedrich-Ebert Foundation has its own scholarship program.

Job advertisement: Social Counsellor

We are looking for a social counsellor!

The General Student Committee (AStA) of the TU is offering a permanent position as a social counsellor as of now.

The social counselling essentially comprises the following tasks

  • Counselling in the areas of
    • Student financing and organisation
    • social benefits
    • student employment
  • Preparation, updating and ordering of relevant information material
  • Communication with other counselling institutions at the university
  • Independent application for social counselling

Desirable are

  • Willingness to respond to the problems of students
  • Ability to work independently
  • Experience in counselling (but not a prerequisite)
  • Knowledge of social and labour law for students (but not a prerequisite)

The average weekly working time is 6 hours. This is usually divided into 4 hours of fixed counselling time per week and 2 hours for preparation and follow-up work. Remuneration is based on the TVL (approx. 13.91/hour).

Your application should include a few words about yourself, your qualifications and a CV.

People with disabilities, PoC or a history of migration will be given preferential consideration for recruitment if they have the same personal and professional qualifications. In accordance with the NRW State Equal Opportunities Act, preference will be given to women with equal qualifications.

Send your application to:
AStA TU Dortmund, Emil-Figge-Str. 50, 44227 Dortmund, or by email to

Writing Week August 2024

From 19-23 August 2024, the Writing Week 2/2024 of the
Writing Lab will take place. Once again, numerous faculties and divisions for lectures, workshop discussions, individual counselling, impulses and writing groups in order to support students and doctoral candidates with their individual achievements. All information about the Writing Week can be found here and the Writing Lab can be found here.

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