NEWS – The Deutschlandticket must stay!

Joint demand by student representatives in NRW: The Deutschlandticket must stay!

Dortmund, 2025 March 17 – After the first price increase of almost 20%, the Deutschlandticket is in danger of becoming even more expensive or even disappearing. The federal and state governments as well as the political parties disagree on the long-term financing of the ticket. The CDU/CSU in particular is calling for the offer to be phased out. This would have massive consequences for students, who currently receive access to the Deutschlandticket through their semester contribution. If the ticket were to be discontinued, students would have to switch to less affordable fares, which would lead to a sharp increase in costs.

The student representatives of the Landes-ASten-Treffen NRW (LAT) therefore demand: The Deutschlandticket must stay!

Further information and the complete press release can be found here: The Deutschlandticket must stay!

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