Audio Drama Group

At the Audio Drama Group (in German: Hörspieltreff), what you get is what it says on the tin.

We are a community of audio drama nerds, those who want to become one, and everyone who simply likes listening to audio dramas and talk shop about them. Every two weeks we get together in a relaxed group to discuss an audio drama or to listen to one. Whether children’s stories or thrillers, every genre is welcome. On top of that, there are special events such as release parties, quizzes and anything else that you as a community feel like. This can even go as far as producing our own audio drama. We keep you up to date on current meetings and events on Instagram.

Do you have any questions or suggestions? Feel free to send us an email or come by directly.

We look forward to seeing you and getting to know your stories!

You can find us on Instagram.



LatinDO is an initiative aimed at promoting the rich cultural diversity of Latin America on campus and creating an inclusive community for students from Latin America and those interested in the region. Our goal is to establish a network that allows members to connect, share cultural experiences, and deepen their understanding of the various countries and cultures of Latin America. Through a variety of activities, including cultural events, academic discussions, social gatherings, and community service projects, we strive to enhance the presence and awareness of Latin American culture and history. The club is open to all students, regardless of their origin or background, and we invite everyone to join us in creating a vibrant and diverse community.

You can reach us on Instagram! Feel free to write to us, we look forward to hearing from you!

Campus for Future

What do we do?

Campus for Future Dortmund engages in raising awareness about the climate catastrophe at colleges in Dortmund and in the city itself. We organize lectures, discussions and seminars to inform about climate change, its causes and consequences. Two examples for this are the „Klimawoche“ (climate week) and the Public Climate School (PCS). In addition to that we do creative actions like the „Kleidertauschparty“ (a party where you trade clothes), vegan cooking meet-ups or garbagecollection campaigns. We support the Fridays for Future Movement and are a part of Students for Future Germany.

Who are we?

We want to build a platform for college students and employees to connect with other people who engage in climate and environmental protection. At the moment we are around 10 people. We’re happy to welcome every new face and voice!

How can you join?

We meet every Thursday at 6 pm. Our meetings are completely open and everyone can join anytime. You can engage in the group as much as you want to, whether you spend two or 20 hours a week; that’s all your choice. We’re happy to welcome you! Usually, we speak German during our meetings.

At the moment, our meetings are completely digital and we meet up in our Discord room.

Just send us an e-mail ( or join our Whatsapp-Info-Group (

You can reach us on Twitter or Instagram.

You can find all our Links here:


Muslimische Hochschulgruppe



Die Muslimische Hochschulgruppe (MHG) in Dortmund ist eine Community, die muslimische Studierende vernetzen möchte. Wir möchten den inner- und interreligiösen Austausch fördern.

Was verbindest du mit Muslimen?
Was denkst du über den Islam?

Den Meisten fallen da leider mehr negative als positive Assoziationen ein und genau aus dem Grund haben wir unsere Gruppe gegründet. Dadurch möchten wir nicht nur unseren eigenen Horizont erweitern, sondern auch eventuellen Vorurteilen entgegenwirken. Insgesamt ein angenehmes Miteinander auf dem Campus zu schaffen, ist das, wonach wir streben.

Wie wir das realisieren und schaffen wollen?

Mithilfe von zahlreichen Veranstaltungen, wie Ramadanprogramme, Vorträge und Nachhaltigkeitsinitiative.

Du bist interessiert, möchtest mehr erfahren und sogar ein Mitglied werden?

Dann kontaktiere uns gerne über die aufgelisteten Kontaktdaten.

Wir freuen uns darauf, dich kennenzulernen!

Ansprechpartner/in: Seray Halicioglu (Vorstandsvorsitzende)

Cihangir Çakir (stellvertrender Vorstandsvorsitzender)

Netzwerk Deutschlandstipendium Dortmund


You want to join? 👉

The Netzwerk Deutschlandstipendium Dortmund was founded in early 2021 as a platform for active, former, and future Deutschlandstipendium scholars. Our most important goals are interdisciplinary exchange between members, meeting new people, common recreation activities, as well as personal and professional growth. Through the direct connection to the TU Dortmund University as well as to external experts and partners from the free economy, we offer added value to the Deutschlandstipendium scholars and all interested parties, for example through lectures or long-term projects. We place great value on cooperation at eye level to give every member a low-threshold opportunity to actively contribute, try themselves out, and develop as a person. As a student group of the Technical University of Dortmund, the network consists mainly of TU students, but is also open to other universities. The support by the Deutschlandstipendium is a connecting element, but not a prerequisite for participation. Every person who can identify with our goals and our work is welcome.

The network is divided into teams who keep the network running, organize events, and coordinate with each other at regular meetings. We offer open game nights, pub quizzes and much more to promote the exchange among our members and to actively shape student life at the TU Dortmund. Finally, we advocate for a transparent and fair awarding process for the Deutschlandstipendium.

Campusgarten AG


Contact via mail:

Subscribe for members to the mailing list:

We are a small group of students who try to grow food more sustainably and especially on our own initiative.

If you feel like gardening together and tasting the fruits of your harvest in addition to the stressful everyday life at university, then feel free to write us on Instagram or send us an email and come by!

The campus garden is located in Barop, very close to the main campus. We’re looking forward to seeing you!

Union University Group at the TU Dortmund


We fight for you!

We are a group of students who are committed to the union students at the TU Dortmund University, union members and interested people. We welcome anyone who is committed to social justice in society social justice in society, for the respect of human dignity in the dignity in the world of work and for international
solidarity among workers. We are concerned with education policy and higher education reform. In particular, issues such as TV Stud, A13 for all teachers and the adjustment of the and the adjustment of BAföG are particularly close to our hearts.

Interkulturelle Hochschulgruppe


We are the intercultural student assembly of the TU Dortmund. We are an accumulation of active students and stand for diversity. Our aim is to offer a platform on which we can come together and exchange ideas and have discussions about diverse topics. We take it as a goal to create a safe space for everyone and want to realize cultural exchange as a means to provide our best to becoming a more open and liberal society.

UNICEF – United Nations Children’s Fund


UNICEF, the United Nations Children’s Fund, was founded in 1946 and works all over the world to realize the rights of all children, regardless of their skin color, religion or origin. In Germany, Unicef has been active since 1953. It includes more than 8,000 volunteers.

The UNICEF University Group Dortmund was founded in 2005 and has been a registered university group of the TU since the end of 2006. Our team consists of people between 16 and 30 years of age with very different backgrounds. Some of us have just started studying, some are already writing their thesis, others have been working for a few years or are still in school.

We provide information about the situation of disadvantaged children worldwide and seek dialog with the public – through talks, information booths, school visits, exhibitions or press work. We also use creative campaigns to collect donations, since UNICEF is financed by voluntary donations.

We meet regularly to plan activities and exchange information and new ideas. Everyone can decide for himself or herself how much time and energy he or she can contribute and how to get involved – in fundraising campaigns, in school work or in selling UNICEF greeting cards. Furthermore, you can acquire additional knowledge for your volunteer work in conferences and workshops. Our own Internet platform also offers working materials and promotes the exchange of information among volunteers throughout Germany.

In this way, we can make a lot of difference together – for example, giving more children access to education such as going to school and ensuring that more children can be vaccinated, which can help stem the spread of many diseases. All in all, through our involvement we can help create greater awareness that children are personalities with rights of their own.

If you would like to volunteer or simply have a question, feel free to send us an email. We are looking forward to you!

Management: Lysanne Kühl, Christina Basner and Ouidad Belkhir

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