Wednesday, January 18th at 2:30PM, our weekly AStA-Meeting will be held. 

This time the Studierendenwerk will join us!

They are among other things responsible for the Mensa/food offerings on Campus, the student flats and the student loans for all TU and FH students. Until now, we as students had to pay 93€ every semester toward the Studierendenwerk for their services, starting this summer semester, it will be 110€. 

On Wednesday, we want to talk to those responsible about this money and hope that many of you will join us to clarify how and where this money will be used and why it is necessary to raise the bi-annual payment by 17€. 

Come join us!


The TU is about to switch their separate systems of BOSS, LSF etc. into one integrated system. To do that, any TU member will be prohibited from accessing these systems starting November 28th until December 11th. 

Therefore, if you need a prove of study, to book exams or anything similar, do it now!

Here the text from the University on the project: 

In the Campus Management Project, TU Dortmund University’s software products for organizing study and teaching operations are currently being gradually replaced by the new integrated IT system HISinOne. Since June 2021, for example, prospective students with German university entrance qualifications have already been applying via the new system.

The next step involves a transfer of the student management processes for all TU students to HISinOne. To prepare this step, it is necessary to migrate the existing student data records from the current into the new system. During the period of this transition, the current IT systems for student and examination management will not be available for approximately two weeks.

Within this period, teachers and students will not have access to the

BOSS system and to Campusportal. The Student Registration Office and the Central Examinations Office will also not be able to enter data or make changes to existing data. It will therefore not be possible, for example, to process enrolments, leaves of absence, changes of degree programs, re-registrations, or removals from the register of students. Similarly, the Central Examinations Office will not be able to enter examination registrations, coursework or examination results.

We plan to keep the period for this changeover as short as possible.

Currently, we anticipate shutting down the BOSS-system and Campusportal from Nov. 28th to Dec. 11th, 2022. Please take this period into account in your planning.

The contact persons in the Student Registration Office and the Central Examinations Office are available to answer any questions regarding the matter.

Press release: Help for students with energy cost (after)payment

In certain cases, students can receive a subsidy for energy cost payments from the job center.

Students who

1. receive a BAföG benefit and live in the parents’ household or

2. live in the parental household and only receive no BAföG benefits because the Office for Educational Support has determined that they or their parents have too much income or assets, are entitled to unemployment benefit II if they are in need of help.

This need for help can also arise, for example, from back payments for heating costs or increased heating cost deductions (Section 7, paragraph 6 of the Second Book of the Code of Social Law).

Students who

3. no longer live with their parents, or are not entitled to BAföG for reasons other than income/assets can receive a loan to cover the needs for accommodation and heating if there is particular hardship (§ 27 SGB II).

The job centers often decide on a case-by-case basis whether there is a need for help or particular hardship. Here you can find the contact details of the Jobcenter Dortmund:

New opening hours of the bicycle repair shop from Friday 7 October 2022

From 7th october 2022 the opening days of the bicycle repair shop will change!!! Then the repair shop is open Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. You can always find the latest opening hours here.

1 st April – 31 th October1 st November – 31 th March
Wednesday1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Thursday1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Friday1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.closed


We, the AStA of TU Dortmund University, condemn the oppressor’s actions against the movement for freedom, rights of women and education in iran. 

We are shocked and furios and condemn every type of violence and suppression against those protesting for their rights. 


Are you affected? Is someone in your circle of friends and family affected? Do you want or need support dealing with the things that are happening in Iran? Contact 

First semester bag – design competition: Our top 3!

Some time ago we hosted a competition where we asked you to send in your design ideas for this year’s first-semester-bag – and here is our top 3!!

This years first-semester-bag design is by the amazing Magda (@art_magdalena_kizior on instagram) – she won our design competition and we are totally in love with the design she came up with 😍 

Below we have our 2nd place, a design by Polina (@cwreality on instagram):

And here’s our 3rd place by Alicia:

1 10 11 12 13 14 15